Greetings from Elizabeth and the EmpowerSurvivors nonprofit! I want to thank all of you who understood my taking the time for some much-needed self-care. I apologize that I could not return e-mails and private messages as promptly over this time and there are many I have still not replied to due to needing to avoid eye strain. As many of you know I have been dealing with some medical issues over the last couple of months due to ongoing vertigo and eye issues. Because of this, I needed to stay off of the computer, take time to recoup, and attend medical appointments, physical therapy, etc. Our fears for a bit were that I may have a brain tumor which was stressful, added to depression, made life full of anxiety, and not having any feelings of control. I am happy to finally say that I do not have a brain tumor and my symptoms have greatly improved although I do have some lingering issues that I have learned to live with and may just take time to improve. If anything I have found attitude, fighting the negative thoughts, and faith has helped me sustain hope. It also led me to look inward, get perspective, and decide I want more for our nonprofit and those who have become part of the EmpowerSurvivors family. I founded EmpowerSurvivors in 2014. Since 2014 I only accepted a wage for roughly a year and a half and since that time have not had a wage and strictly volunteer my time. I wanted to create a safe place where survivors of childhood sexual trauma and abuse could gather together to support each other on our healing journeys, learn and grow. I have learned much over the past years, taken many classes, took part in a 7-month Traumatic Studies program, attended countless trauma conventions, and spoken at events, and my hope is to grow our nonprofit, expand our groups and offer even better content that can aid in the recovery process. While away I have thought much about the survivors and thrivers that have come to learn and grow with EmpowerSurvivors. Never did I imagine, when I started this venture, that I would meet the number of great people I have come to know and care about. Every day I feel blessed to be on this journey with all of you. Thank you to each and every one of you! EmpowerSurvivors has grown, evolved, and made changes over the years. My hope is to always have our organization a safe place for survivors no matter where they live. To date most of our offerings have been donation-based, meaning individuals pay what they are able. Most do not donate. We have never received a state or federal grant. Through the years I have tried to make EmpowerSurvivors accessible to all and I think we have done a pretty good job with that. We have had many ups and downs and one of the hardest challenges has been how to aid in recovery while dealing with a worldwide pandemic and lack of regular donations. Covid not only changed how we offer services but forced us to find other ways to re-invent ourselves, hence Zoom became our new way of life. Due to a lack of donations, we were forced to close our main office where we had in-person meetings, retreats, classes, and more. My hope is to regain a space again that we can use to offer in-person services along with Zoom programs once again. Till that time we will continue with Zoom classes and meetings. If you could help our organization with a tax-deductible donation any help would be greatly appreciated. There are many ways to donate. Currently, individuals can make a tax deductible donation through: PayPal AmazonSmiles Shop at and they’ll donate to our charitable organization, at no cost to you. Start shopping PiCoose EmpowerSurvivors as your charity! Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases. Facebook Fundraisers Create your own fundraiser for EmpowerSurvivors on Facebook! 100 percent goes to our organization and is super easy to do! EmpowerSurvivors 815 Oak Street West Stillwater, MN 55082 In the next couple of months, I look forward to beginning groups and classes again as well as looking for new and improved trauma-informed formats of learning. In the meantime, I will be looking for those that would like to come alongside our organization to offer their talents in facilitation, grant writing, classes, workshops, fundraising, event planning, increasing the number of board members, advertising, etc. If you or someone you know is interested in sharing their talents please have them email Elizabeth at [email protected] Thank you again for all the support you have given through the years, for walking this journey of healing together, and for being a part of our EmpowerSurvivors family! Stay tuned for upcoming starting dates! I look forward to seeing all of you again. Survivors helping survivors- THIS is what we do! Elizabeth Sullivan
September 2024