"Closed" Facebook Groups
EmpowerSurvivors Childhood Sexual Abuse and Trauma
Childhood Sexual Abuse and Trauma
EmpowerSurvivors Online Support group is for individuals that were sexually abused as children due to no fault of their own. No child is ever at fault. We firmly believe that survivors deserve support , love and encourage survivors to break their silences, receive trauma informed care, learn and grow. This is a safe and private space exclusively for survivors, nothing in this group will be posted in public feed. Privacy and safety is important and we try to do our best to ensure that for all survivors! In our group you will find survivors of childhood sexual abuse just like you, articles to learn, grow and heal, support from those who understand and a community of survivors that believe in survivors helping survivors. Cost: Free |
Innocence Lost
Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma & Abuse
A support group for those that experienced childhood abuse ( physical, sexual, mental, emotional, spiritual, neglect, etc. and trauma. It is our hope that by becoming a member you will feel supported and cared for on your healing journey. No one is ever to blame for the abuse put on them as children. Innocence Lost and its members are here to support you on your journey of healing. Cost: Free |
Sibling Sexual Childhood Sexual Abuse
Sibling Childhood Sexual Abuse A group dedicated to survivors of sexual trauma and abuse from a sibling. Sibling sexual abuse is the least recognized form of incest, while sexual abuse by related adults in a family receives the most attention. Meanwhile, victims of sibling abuse remain unseen, waiting to be found and helped. Numerous factors converge to assure that in many instances—perhaps most—sibling sexual abuse remains undisclosed and unaddressed. Victims often do not see themselves as victimized, and families as well as professionals fail to recognize the abuse. The secret remains hidden, camouflaged by play and tangled in the complex dynamics of abusive sibling relationships. This group is a closed private group that brings those affected by abuse together to share, learn, grow and be supported. Cost: Free |
Friends & Families
Of Those Sexually Abused As Children
Dedicated to supporting those who have a loved one that was sexually abused as a child. Whether you are married to a survivor of CSA, friend, or family member you may wonder what the best approach is to help your loved one process childhood sexual abuse and also how you too can stay healthy on this healing journey. For many, it is hard to know where to go when you have questions about childhood sexual abuse, a partner who is now dealing with the abuse done to them as a child, or simply need a support group of their own while a loved one heals. Sexual abuse affects all of us. Come join a support group that supports and educates those that are partners, friends, and family of CSA survivors. Cost: Free |
Women in Transition- Divorce Support for Women
Women in Transition
A source of support for women contemplating divorce or going through the transition of divorce. No one enters a marriage thinking it will end in divorce. Many women have dedicated their lives to their marriage, their husbands, and children only to find out that they are in a union that is unhealthy and/or abusive. Many have lost who they were, may have given up careers, many have lost hope and purpose. Women in Transition brings together women of the generations to support each other through the hardship and transition of divorce. Together as women, we support each other’s journey, growth, and new beginnings. Together we fall and together we rise. Join us today as we navigate through life’s transitions. Cost: Free |
New in 2024!
Trauma Leadership Network

The Trauma Leadership Network is a group specifically designed to support survivors of childhood sexual abuse who are now using their experiences and knowledge to aid others on their healing journeys.
This networking group will enable participants in leadership roles to gather support, share resources, share ideas, collaborate on projects, suggest ideas, ask questions, partner on projects, etc.
If you are someone who has experienced childhood sexual abuse and is now aiding others in recovery we invite you to join this newly established group.
Cost: Free